Victim Comp. Fund

The Victim Compensation Fund (VCF) is a government-sponsored fund that provides compensation for economic and non-economic loss for any individual who suffered physical harm as a result of 9/11 or the aftermath. Mental and emotional harm suffered as a result of 9/11 will not be eligible for compensation by the VCF.

All "survivors" of 9/11 are eligible to apply to the program. Survivors include area residents, workers and students

There are 3 parts to filing a complete application for the VCF and they are respectively: Registration, Eligibility and Compensation. 

Registration requires basic biographical data to identify the applicant. Registration can be completed by a mail in form or through an online form on www.VCF.govThe deadline to register for the program is October 3rd, 2013. 

Register Online: HERE

Instructions for Registration: HERE

The October 3rd deadline is just for registration.  Once you've registered, you will have more time to establish eligibility and file your claim.

Eligibility forms will need to be filled out to establish your presence around the affected zone during and following 9/11. All Stuyvesant H.S. students in the classes of 2002-2005 are eligible to apply for the VCF. Eligibility for the program does not necessarily mean that the applicant's medical condition is eligible for compensation.

Acceptable proof for students is classified by the VCF as "School or day care records confirming enrollment or attendance during the period". This can include (but is not limited to) report cards, yearbooks, enrollment verification from Stuyvesant, etc.

Once eligibility is established, the VCF will review your medical records to determine whether your medical condition warrants financial compensation. Medical conditions covered under their pre-established list of recognized conditions and ailments will be eligible for compensation. A list of conditions recognized by the VCF can be found at here. 
  • For participants in the WTC Health Program: The VCF will automatically determine your eligibility for compensation based on your testing and medical records from the WTC Health Program. If you have a condition that has been certified for treatment by the WTC Health Program, then you automatically will be eligible for compensation by the VCF. 
  • For people who have been treated under a private doctor: You will need to supply information as which doctor(s) you have been treated by and their contact information. The VCF will then contact your doctor for all necessary medical records. The determination for whether your condition is eligible for compensation will be made by The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), the administrator of the WTC Health Program.  

Compensation will cover both "Economic" and "Non Economic" loss. 

Economic loss is classified as expenses related to seeking and obtaining medical treatment for your 9/11 related condition. This might include but is not limited to: co-payments or deductibles for appointments and treatments, out of pocket fees related to treatment, costs for transportation to and from treatment, loss of wages due to condition, future loss of wages due to condition, and payments for services to assist in living (home care, apartment cleanings, etc.). 

Non Economic loss is defined as compensation for all physical and emotional pain and suffering. 

Economic and Non-Economic loss will be calculated based on what the applicant claims on their Compensation forms. You are strongly encouraged to file for all expenses related to treatment of your condition or suffered as a result of your condition. 

  • Lawyers - Legal counsel may be hired to represent and apply for the VCF on your behalf and you are encouraged to consider doing so because of the quantity of paperwork involved. The representing legal counsel will be given 10% of your final award. This guideline has been established by the VCF and no lawyer may take more than this.  Feel free to contact StuyHealth for help finding a lawyer.
  • What if my condition is denied? If your condition is denied then you will be given an opportunity to appeal.  Please contact us with questions about this.
  • We strongly encourage all Stuyvesant students with qualifying conditions to apply regardless of how minor their health conditions may be. This program is essentially a “use it or lose it” proposition.  In applying to the VCF, you will be providing Congress data concerning the total number of individuals affected by 9/11, and it will use this information to determine whether another round of funding will be passed for 9/11 survivors and first responders.  It’s imperative that we preserve access to this program for future applicants, so please consider participating.
Have more questions or concerns? Please contact us at

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