Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Calls in Support of 9/11 Health Bill Needed!

The 9/11 Health and Compensation Act (H.R. 847) will come back to the full House of Representatives for a vote in the next 7 days.

It is critical that EVERY U.S. Representative in the country hear from the people who live in their districts -- urging them to VOTE YES for HR 847, the 9/11 health bill. This bill will provide federal funding for desperately needed medical programs that treat 9/11-related illnesses for tens of thousands of 9/11 survivors and first responders.

If you live outside of NY State, please contact your US Representative to ask them to vote for the 9/11 Health bill.

Also, please send an email to your friends, relatives and contacts who live outside of NY, telling them about the bill and asking them to call their representatives with the same message.

-Go to the House of Representatives website --
-Look at the upper left hand corner of the home page, and you will see a "Find your Representative" search box, where you can type in your zip code and click "go" to get the name of your representative in the House.
-Please note, sometimes you may need the extra 4 digits behind your zip, because your zip code includes more than one House district. If so, and you do not know the extra 4 digits, please use this link, where you can type in your address and get the numbers:


SAMPLE SCRIPT that can be used in making calls to Representatives:

Hello, I’m (your name) and I'm a constituent of Representative _____________________. I'm a resident of (give your city, state and zip code)

I am calling to urge Representative ____ to VOTE YES ON HR 847, the 9/11 Health and Compensation Act, when it comes up for a vote on the House floor later this week. This bill will provide treatment for 9/11-related illnesses to survivors of the 9/11 terrorist attacks -- downtown Manhattan residents, students, workers and visitors -- as well as to the thousands of brave responders who came to their rescue. Many, including children, are sick from having breathed the toxic dust and smoke, and are struggling to regain their health. Those who who were harmed as a result of this attack on our nation need and deserve the right kind of medical help, help that this bill will provide. Thank you.


We have also provided a “Dear Friends” letter below that you can paste into an email, along with a brief sample message for your contacts to use when they call their Representative.


Dear (name of your friend or relative in districts beyond NYC),

I am writing to you to ask for your help to gain passage of an important bill in Congress that will protect the health of tens of thousands of people affected by the worst act of terror in our nation's history.

As you know, 9/11 was an attack on our nation that killed nearly 3000. What you may not know is that tens of thousands are now sick as a result of the World Trade Center attacks from breathing in toxic fumes and dust that filled the air after the Twin Towers collapsed

Some were the brave responders who came to the rescue -- they came from every state in the country and risked their lives to help others. Some were the civilians targeted by the terrorists -- the many people who lived, worked or attended school in the area around the WTC. Many were caught in the toxic cloud when the towers collapsed. Many were encouraged to remain in or return to heavily contaminated neighborhoods, when their government falsely assured them that the air was safe.

As early as late this week, on Thursday, September 23rd or Friday, September 24th, the 9/11 Health and Compensation Act will come up for a vote in the House of Representatives. I am appealing to you to please call your representative at his/her Washington DC office and urge him/her to VOTE YES. I have a sample message for you to use, below.

You can do this by calling the Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121 TTY: (202) 225-1904. Ask to be connected to your representative's office. (If you do not know who your representative is, I have included instructions.)

Thank you for your much-needed help. If you want to call me for further details I can be reached at _____.



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